Author Archive

The Handmade Community of Vancouver’s Tool Library

Our awesome board member and shop volunteer Charles made this short about what we do at the VTL.

We think he did a pretty great job on it, and are so proud of all the tool lending, workshop-ing, and yard sale-ing we’ve got going on at our home on Commercial Street.

Give this a watch and come by the shop to say hi!

Check Out Our Online Shop!

Due to the extreme generosity of our community, we have a lot of surplus tools right now. We’ve decided to start up a little online tool shop for folks who would prefer to own one of our fine preloved tools, as opposed to borrowing.

Take a look at our inventory of items for sale here.

Garden Bed Repair at Woodland…

A little VTL flair at the Woodland Community Garden. Big thanks to Romham for donating lumber, it all helps when it comes to getting the beds in order for planting next season.

VTL ((hearts)) community gardens!!!!