January’s Tool of the Month – Donated!
January’s tool of the month voting closed last weekend and results came very favourably for the mini drill press, a much needed tool that’s been missing from our inventory. In a delightful twist of fate, however, a very generous tool donor dropped a drill press off at the shop before we even had time to start fundraising! The new drill press will be available to borrow by this weekend. A huge thanks goes out to this anonymous donor!
Above and beyond the drill press, our tool inventory continues to grow thanks to the generosity of tool donors! Over the past two weeks we’ve received a number of big ticket tools that we can’t wait to see go out. Many thanks to…
- Molly Caron who donated a table saw and a ladder
- Lazlo Szentirmai, who donated a cordless drill,
- Faith Jones, who donated a key hole saw,
- and Karen who, in memory of her husband William, donated a table saw (this brings our total up to three!), pressure washer, circular saw, and a cut saw.