Nuts and Bolts – VTL Fundraiser this Saturday April 30th, 10am-2pm

Just two days until our very first event, Nuts and Bolts, and the weather man is calling for sunshine! We’ve been busy busy getting the space ready to welcome you:  scrubbing, sweeping…

and decorating!

All the contributions we collect on Saturday from membership and pancake sales will all go towards our start up costs, and every bit counts!

So do stop by this Saturday to meet the VTL crew, sign up for your membership (bring $50 cash or cheque), down some pancakes, build a mason bee house, and drop off your tool donations. We’re also encouraging everyone to bring your ideas and suggestions for the VTL, and a photo of yourself working on a project (or of a project you’d like to do using VTL tools!), to post up on our collage wall.

Our open house runs from 10am – 2pm this Saturday, April 30th at 3448 Commercial Street.

’til then!

– The VTL Board