Trans Week of Resilience: Nov 17 – 23

- We assert that transmiosgyny and sex worker antagonism are the direct causes of violence faced by trans women and transfeminine people.
- We recognize that the majority of trans women murdered each year are Black women, Indigenous women, and women of colour from the Global South, many of whom are sex workers, and commit to leveraging our privilege, power, and social agency as trans people presiding in Western, Global North countries like so-called Canada.
- We acknowledge that there are many deaths of trans people that are unaccounted for including unreported / under-reported / misreported murders, suicides, as well as institutional violence, and work to highlight these realities.
- We understand that the gender binary is a colonial construct, and affirm the diversity of gender identity and gender expression of people around the world, especially those who are reclaiming identities and roles lost, erased, and vilified due to colonization.
- We work using anti-oppression, intersectionality, and decolonization as our framework to ground ourselves in the complex realities of oppression and violence, and seek to address issues that continue to affect trans communities local to our region, particularly those who are multiply-marginalized.
- We believe that the work is up to us to build community capacity and resilience to meaningfully challenge, resist, and fight the capitalist, imperialist, white supremacist, cisheteropatriarchy, and push for stronger, more meaningful alliances among all marginalized communities.
In honour of this amazing event, the Vancouver Tool Library and the Wood Shop Co-op are teaming up to bring Trans, Non-Binary, and 2-Spirit folks a free introductory woodworking workshop. This workshop will be facilitated by trans people, and is for self-identified trans people to attend.
Allies are encouraged to show support by making a donation to this event, 100% of which will go to the Trans Resiliency Fund – an initiative to support urgent and emergency needs of our local trans communities. Donations can be made on this page, or through:
Location: The Wood Shop Co-op, 1245 Glen Drive, East Vancouver.
Date/Time: Saturday Nov. 23 @ 11:00AM – 2:00PM
Facilitators: Craig Orrett and Laine Hughes
Tickets: Available on Eventbrite –
The intention of this workshop is to give participants the knowledge and confidence to use some of the more common tools involved in woodworking, in a trans affirming environment. By the end of the workshop participants will have applied their newfound knowledge and skills towards creating a small wooden box that they will be able to take home with them.