VTL needs workshop facilitators!
Share your skills!
VTL needs workshop facilitators
The Vancouver Tool Library is looking for workshop facilitators; people who can help empower their community with tools and skills.
We’re looking for anyone with skills in woodworking, home reno, gardening, plumbing, automotive, bike repair, textiles, etc. Experience teaching small groups of people is definitely an asset.
Have an idea for a workshop? We’ll work with you to develop the content and logistics around the workshop, and set the class size to a comfortable limit. Examples of past VTL workshops include blade sharpening, bike repair, sewing classes, introduction to woodworking, wood turning, and basic automotive.
A small honorarium is offered to our facilitators. If you’re interested, or know someone who is interested in facilitating a VTL workshop, please email manager@vancouvertoollibrary.com.
– Hugz from VTL!